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LanPing law firm branch won the chaoyang law association party advanced party branch title


In order to promote advanced, establish a typical, promote experience and promote development, and further encourage the grassroots lawyers in the region's grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members in promoting the construction of "new four districts" in Chaoyang glorious achievements, meritorious service, recommended by the grass-roots party organizations, The party group and the District Law Association Party Committee decided that on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of June 27, 2015, a "July 1" summary ceremony was held at the 3-o'clock Crab Island Convention Center in Chaoyang District, Beijing. The party branch of Beijing Lanpeng Law Firm won the Advanced Party Branch, Zhang Qihuai lawyer and Pang Lipeng lawyer won the excellent Communist Party members, Wang Zhi won the excellent party workmen for Comrade and Sui Sijin lawyer won the party-building friend.

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